Friday, August 24, 2007

Back in the game

After taking close to two months off from playing, I renewed my account last night. I also rejoined BBF.

After SI disintegrated a few months back, a group of fomer SI guildies tried to keep things going, and they've actually had quite a bit of success in Kara, but it never felt like a guild for me. These guys, while all really cool, were focused on end-game stuff and not really helping others (unless it was killing horde).

So, before I left the game for my break, I was pretty damn bored. All I'd do when I played was farm for gold and rep. That gets pretty boring after awhile. Anyway, at the end of June, beginning of July, I went to visit a friend in Chicago and didn't really even think about playing until just recently.

I've kept in touch with Tiff and finally told her that when i started playing again, i'd join BBF (she's now a guild officer). So, after renewing last night and jumping in-game, she invited me. it was kinda strange. I wasn't sure how people would react to me coming back. I was happily surprised at the reception I got and so far, don't regret my decision to re-join.

I played for a couple hours last night. Almost all of that time was spent helping Tiff run some quests on her "new" toon -- a lvl 69 priest. God, I can remember helping her when she was in the 20s and 30s on that toon. At one point, we had some horde trouble, and after a quick call for help in vent, about 5 other BBF members showed (bringing our total to 8) and we laid waste to the horde. ;-) Good times.


Jason Follas said...

PvP? Alliance? Bah!

Do this to make the game fun again: Roll a Horde toon (just as an Alt, mind you) on a PvE realm and actually enjoy the game for once! :)

Many of my guildies abandoned their Lvl 60 Alliance toons long ago (pre-BC), saying that there is a huge difference in the enjoyability of gameplay on the Horde side. I don't have the experience to agree or disagree with them, but thought that I'd pass that tidbit along.

(Let me know if you're looking for a realm--I think... I think that I can recommend a good one with a few folks that you know on it).

Michael said...

;-) Yes, alliance on a PVP server. :-p

Ok, I'll tell you let me know the name of that realm and I'll roll a horde toon. :-)