Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Burning Crusade (part 2 of many)

Being the impatient person that I am, I ended up running out last Tuesday to buy The Burning Crusade even though I had one showing up via UPS the following day.

In the last week, I haven't really played all that much, but did manage to get to level 61 with the help of some friends.

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with the expansion, except I don't think Blizzard was prepared for the number of people that would swarm to a particular area in the Outland. The lag was really, really, really bad for the first couple of days. You'd have 50 alliance and 50 horde all vying for the same mobs. Luckily the respawn rate was really fast (almost too fast in some cases), but sometimes you'd have small alliance vs. horde fights pop up.

All in all, the ganking didn't really start until people started hitting 62+. :-\

I've been doing quests in Hellfire Peninsula and the marsh area. Pretty cool stuff. I've upgraded much of my Tier 0 gear with really kick ass green items.

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