Saturday, January 6, 2007

When is a guild not just a guild?

When is a guild not just a guild? When they belong to a larger gaming "clan". Baptized by Fire (the WoW guild) is part of the "PC division" of the Baptizedby Fire gaming clan. Basically, the clan provides servers and a supportinfrastructure for other types of games (mostly war-type games) such asBattlefield 2, Renegade, etc. The people that play those games don't pay amonthly fee to the gaming company like WoW players do. Instead, they buy thegame and then the "clan" pays for servers on which they play.

First, let me say that I have a huge amount of respect for the men and womenwho have served and are currently serving our country and who have rightfullyearned their ranks and awards.

The clan has a military-like structure, which to be totally honest, really bugsme. Each person in the clan is given a "military rank". Based on what you do,you may also be given medals. The "wannabe" bullshit the clan forces on usreally irritates me. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it. Ibelieve it's truly disrespectful to the brave men and women who put themselvesin harms way every day.

Since day 1 of my guild membership, I have questioned our relationship with theclan. Nothing the clan does really benefits our guild. The clan members thatDON'T play WoW tend to butt into our business a lot and they try to force theirways on us. For example, they pretty much demand that we assign one of ourmembers from the guild to be the "morale" officer. Lame. Anyone that spends anytime in our guild chat or guild vent knows that morale is NOT an issue. They also expect us to do "roll call" - this is a bi-monthly even in which weare supposed to indicate which games we're playing. Again, Lame.

The clan also thinks they can control what we do within WoW. WTF-ever. Our guild master was actually told to punish me (by the clan leadership) becauseI actually posted in our WoW forum how silly I think the clan is.
We've talked about splitting from the clan, but as it turns out, the guildmaster would rather bring in as many clan members into WoW as he can.

I'm now at the point where the interference from the clan is making me notwant to play in the guild. Some of my friends who have been in larger guildshave told me that guild drama is the norm, not the exception. Unfortunately,I'm starting to see this.

All I want to do is play the game and have fun.

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